Review: Born of Ice  

Posted by Amy in

Title: Born of Ice
Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon
Genre: Paranormal Romance (futuristic)
Release: 12/09
Format: mass market paperback
For: personal choice

Synopsis: (from book cover)
In the Ichidian Universe, the League and its ruthless assassins continue to keep rule. But at what cost? Welcome back to the future- and a whole new world.

He is an outlaw who offers no quarter...

Devyn Kell spent his life in service to the League until he learned of the double dealing and backstabbing that was costing innocent people their lives. Refusing to play those politics, he became a Runner- someone who makes sure planets get the weapons, medicine and supplies they need to survive. May the gods have mercy on any who get in his way, because he definitely won't.

She is on the run from a past that could end her life...

Alix Garran is a woman on the run from a past she can't escape. Signing on to work for Devyn as a System's Engineer, she finds a cause she can fight for- and a man she can respect. But as Alix's past catches up to her, and Devyn's old enemies turn lethal, they have to fight together- or fall alone.

The Good: As I am not fond of her vampire series, I am liking this new sci-fi adventure for Kenyon. The characters have been engaging and mostly likable. The setting is great and leaves a lot of room for more people and places easily. Action, angst and sex all combine in this book to give you a pretty good read.

The heroine was a tough cookie and I liked her spunk, if not her honesty. She was a survivor and I think this book showed much of the adage "best of two bad options." She grew a lot in this book, and while I liked her in the beginning, I liked her much more in the end.
The hero is a guy you could take home to Mom and Dad, he is really that good of a guy. He showed love and compassion and knew how to kick serious butt. (Rock on, Devyn)

The Bad: So far in this series everyone has been lying their heads off. Maybe it is a personal quirk but it really annoys me. Forgiveness has played a major role in her romances so far in this bunch of books, and whether that is because they are older ones where she had to re-write them for the romance audience or this was the original theme I am not sure, but if you aren't looking for flawed heroes/heroines don't pick up the book.
And please, for the love of all that is holy, spell the names normally! It starts off cute but it wears thin really quick to have all of the characters names spelled phonetically.

Overall: I enjoyed the book and will probably invest in the next in the series to see how it continues. I am hoping with the re-writes being completed that we will see more of the universe and more unique planets or races being introduced into the mix.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 1:10 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Is this the first book in this series?

I've heard some good things about her books, which series would you recommend as her best?

January 30, 2010 at 10:28 AM

This is the third in the Legion Series. Born of Night and Born of Fire(in that order)are both before this one, both in release and chronologically in the story.

Out of all her books I have read, I think I enjoyed the Lords of Avalon series the best. She has barely started it, there is only two books currently with a third not scheduled for release for almost another year, but the setting, the mythos and the characters are all very good.

The dark hunter/dream hunter/were hunter ones I would pick and choose individual novels from but taken as a whole I am not as fond of them.

February 1, 2010 at 9:52 AM

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